China NOI 2002: Legend of Galactic Heroes
NOI China 2002: Legend of Galactic Heroes
Original Problem Statement
杨威利擅长排兵布阵,巧妙运用各种战术屡次以少胜多,难免恣生骄气。在这次决战中,他将巴米利恩星域战场划分成30000列,每列依次编号为1, 2, …, 30000。之后,他把自己的战舰也依次编号为1, 2, …, 30000,让第i号战舰处于第i列(i = 1, 2, …, 30000),形成“一字长蛇阵”,诱敌深入。这是初始阵形。当进犯之敌到达时,杨威利会多次发布合并指令,将大部分战舰集中在某几列上,实施密集攻击。合并指令为M i j,含义为让第i号战舰所在的整个战舰队列,作为一个整体(头在前尾在后)接至第j号战舰所在的战舰队列的尾部。显然战舰队列是由处于同一列的一个或多个战舰组成的。合并指令的执行结果会使队列增大。
在杨威利发布指令调动舰队的同时,莱因哈特为了及时了解当前杨威利的战舰分布情况,也会发出一些询问指令:C i j。该指令意思是,询问电脑,杨威利的第i号战舰与第j号战舰当前是否在同一列中,如果在同一列中,那么它们之间布置有多少战舰。
1.M i j :i和j是两个整数(1<=i , j<=30000),表示指令涉及的战舰编号。该指令是莱因哈特窃听到的杨威利发布的舰队调动指令,并且保证第i号战舰与第j号战舰不在同一列。
2.C i j :i和j是两个整数(1<=i , j<=30000),表示指令涉及的战舰编号。该指令是莱因哈特发布的询问指令。
M 2 3
C 1 2
M 2 4
C 4 2
My translation (Redundant information removed)
There are 30K columns in a grid. There are also 30K numbered dots to be put and rearranged in the grid. Initially, only the nth dot is in the nth row. However, merge commands in the format "M i j" merges the contents of the column containing dot i and the column containing dot j together. After several merge commands, the grid is reformed. Another type of command, "C i j", queries whether or not dot i and dot j are in the same column. If so, then it returns the number of dots between i and j, if not, it returns -1. Write a program that parses and runs these commands.The Algorithm and Specifications
This problem uses an extended disjoint-set data structure. The normal DSDS is extended with two extra parameters, "before" and "count". These parameters store how many nodes are behind it in its tree (its height, or its location in a column) and how many nodes are in front of it. These parameters, being updated every find() and unify() call, accurately describe its location in its column. This is the core part of the problem apart for DSDS. My program describes the method in further depth through comments:The Code Itself
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int father[30001],before[30001],count[30001]; // Define arrays: store ancestors, amount of nodes behind them or in front:
// <--before[node]------><{Node}------count[node]---->
void makeset() // Initialize set:
for (int i=1; i<=30000; i++) // for each index initialize it for:
father[i]=i; // everyone is their own ancestor,
before[i]=0; // they are not connected,
count[i]=1; // and they are by themselves.
int find(int v) // Locate furthest ancestor process:
if(father[v]==v) return v; // If it is the top of the tree (aka it is its own ancestor), then stop.
int b = father[v]; // Else, record v's current ancestor,
father[v]=find(father[v]); // update v's ancestor by going further up the tree,
before[v]=before[v]+before[b]; // and update the amount of nodes behind them.
return father[v]; // The answer is the updated ancestor variable
void unify(int x, int y) // Merge x and y tree process:
int fx,fy; fx=find(x); fy=find(y); // Locate the tree roots.
if (fx==fy) return; // Who merges the same trees?
father[fx]=fy; // Connect them,
before[fx]+=count[fy]; // and update their location in the tree,
count[fy]+=count[fx]; // and their depth in the tree.
int main() // The main process:
int n; scanf("%d\n",&n); // Read the command amount,
makeset(); // plant the forest,
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) // and read the commands:
char c; int p1, p2; // The character c is the command type and p1 and p2 are parameters
scanf("%c %d %d\n",&c,&p1,&p2); // We read them, noting the newline,
if(c=='M') unify(p1,p2); // and parse command types: c="M" means unify p1 and p2
else if(c=='C') // while c="C" requests the fruit distance between p1 and p2.
if(find(p1)==find(p2)) printf("%d\n", abs(before[p1]-before[p2])-1);
else printf("-1\n"); // If undefined, the answer is -1
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